6 years ago I got the phone call..

It was the Dr on duty at the cancer centre..

“I’ve just been in and checked on your mum, I would advise you to contact your family and get them over to the hospital “

Although this was a phone call I had been expecting and preparing myself for it didn’t stop a chill running through my whole body.. I’m certain my heart actually stopped..
Panic quickly ensued..
would I get to the hospital in time ??
Who should I phone first ??
What will I say?? — “get to the hospital NOW”
I can’t remember exactly how the next few hours went except thankfully we ( brother and sisters) got to the hospital in time..
I broke every single speed limit along the way and there were a few red lights ignored also..


6 years ago we sat with mum as she took her last breath, we all held her hand and told her how much we loved her.. it was excruciatingly painful to watch.. and it’s still painful to think about..

6 years ago my sisters, brother and I phoned around family and friends and broke the very sad news that mum had died..
Lots of tears were shed and lots of “sorry’s” were said..

6 years ago we organised the funeral.. I’m not going to write about that particular experience now ( if you scroll back about 12 posts you can read all about it there.. the post is titled “the final farewell “)

6 years have passed… partly in a blur..
and tonight in memory of our gorgeous generous, loving, kind and most wonderful mum I have posted a picture which I think encapsulates her.. This is how I remember her.. always smiling, always pleasant and always full of life..
A real inspiration.. A real woman..friend and mother..

My hero..❤️

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