shopping list

What 2 Items Are On Your Weekly Shopping List??

These 2 items make an appearance in my shopping trolley every week…. without fail !!
One probably would not have existed without the other.. you can work that one out for yourself… and now one could not cope without the other!!! Confused??

Moving on…
with the school holidays in full swing and the house becoming more and more dishevelled as the days go on ( I am also becoming more dishevelled) I’ve had to adapt a number of coping mechanisms in order to get me through until the kids return to school in September (27 days exactly)…
– The Nerf gun bullets .. they are in every single room, behind every single item of furniture and there is no clear passage through the house without either stepping on one … or a piece of Lego, the latter is extremely painful.. instead of my normal putting each bullet into the box where they are supposed to reside the rule is they go in the bin ( or hoover ) and that goes for the Lego too… there are significantly less nerf gun bullets and Lego in the house now but my feet are in much better shape and the severe lack of ammunition seems to have been noted!!!

-No one seems to know how to pack the dishwasher!!! Dishes seem to just get stacked RIGHT BESIDE THE DISHWASHER!!
After numerous conversations based around ‘putting your own dishes in the dishwasher ‘ I think it’s finally sunk in.. however everything just gets fired in at the front of the dishwasher and I usually have to rearrange everything!!! Well you can’t win them all .

– washing baskets may as well not exist because any dirty or just slightly worn, (I’m actually convinced some of the clothes I wash have actually not been worn at all, they’ve just been pulled out then there has been a change of mind about wearing it and instead of putting the item back in the drawer its been lobbed in the direction of the washing basket) .. the issue here is nothing is actually in the washing basket!!! Everything is lying beside it…WINE !

-The spiders 🕷… have built themselves 5 star accommodation in almost every corner of the house and you know what they can stay there, it’s fly season anyway so the marvellous constructions can stay, the flies haven’t a hope !!!

– As for the sticky patches on the floor , of course no one has spilt anything or dropped anything!!! I’ve established 2 solutions .. firstly ( and referring back to my first issue of Lego all over the place ).. FLIP FLOPS AT ALL TIMES!!! Secondly, baby wipes or a quick squirt with some kind of cleaning fluid and a wipe with kitchen roll… seriously if didn’t do this the mop bucket would be constantly being refilled and I’m not doing it!!! I refuse to mop on a daily basis !! I’ve got wine to drink!!! Plus the flip flops are doing the job nicely …

Well I think we’ve established that the wine is an essential part of the shopping list and at the moment that nappies are definitely required but there will come a day when they won’t be needed.. All 3 children are growing up and although I’ve written the last few blogs about how they are doing my head in you know what I’ll take it all… I’ll take the carnage.. and I’ll take the mayhem and I’ll embrace it because right now as I write this blog and when you are reading it there is a family saying goodbye for the last time to a loved one.. there is a family heartbroken and in the depths of despair… Right at this moment i am grateful for my life…
My sympathies are not for me… my sympathy is for all those in crisis… not knowing where to turn… it’s a dreadful place to be and if any of you are in a dark place right now you will be in my prayers…

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