Me and my Blog…

I get asked a lot of questions on my blog..

All are welcome and I try my best to respond personally to the more delicate and personal ones.

However since I started this blog i have been asked these 2 questions more and more frequently…

Why don’t you write more blog posts?
Why don’t you post any pictures of you and your mum?

So in answer to the second question I’ve used a photo taken on my wedding day to show you of me and my beautiful mum..
unfortunately dad had passed away and yes the day was not the same without him.. but mum was there like the proud mother hen she always was..

So why don’t I blog more ??
Well there are a number of reasons. Firstly I’m not that confident at writing!! It was never my strong point.. so unlike many bloggers and writers out there I just don’t sit down log on to Facebook and write a blog!! each and every post on this page I’ve written and rewritten and maybe rewritten again until I’m satisfied it’s really getting the correct sentiment across.
Grief is an extremely sensitive subject.. not everyone wants to read about it and even though we all at some stage experience grief in some way we all deal with it in our own individual way.. part of my way of dealing with grief is writing this blog!! So I write when I feel ready to share my thoughts, feelings and experiences..
Secondly TIME!! So many of us are so time poor these days.. I work full time in a relatively stressful job ( don’t we all I hear you say).. I have 3 children.. 4 if you include my husband!!( aged 10, 5 & 2)and honestly here’s just a snap shot of what goes on in my head everyday .. (please keep in mind this is before I can even consider writing a blog)..

– I’m going to need a step ladder to get to the top of that ironing pile if i don’t start it soon, what am I making for tea? It was fish fingers last night with spaghetti hoops!! I really should make a cottage pie.. that is going to involve peeling potatoes ( yet another of my least favourite jobs).. it’ll not kill them to have beans and chicken nuggets!!, have I washed the football kit or just the rugby one ??, is there enough milk for breakfast in the morning?, my boss asked me to email that information from last weeks meeting..have I enough diesel in the car to do the school run in the morning, who’s having packed lunch on what days this week?, did I reply to that note from school?, how long ago did i change the beds?, is there enough nappies to send to childminder?, my feet are actually sticking to the kitchen floor.. I really should mop it tonight, I’ve not seen my best friend in months now.. she’ll think I’m a right cow not being in touch..and when was the last time me and the hubby actually had a night out??, could I get away with spraying dry shampoo into my hair for 1 more day??
The list goes on.. I’m sure you are all bored enough by now..

The only person that I really want to help with all this chaotic nonsense is mum.. and she’s not here!!

The point really is I started this blog to help me and many others like me.. writing down my own personal experiences has helped me to deal with losing mum and I know it’s helped so many of you too..

I am going to commit to writing more blogs’s a distraction from all the mayhem if nothing else and although it’s never going to be a replacement for mum it makes me feel connected to her..

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