Following on from one of my very first blogs ( Being a mum without a mum, which I recently reposted on FB) I feel compelled to write again on this subject.

As time has passed by and my children have grown older, I have experienced new and different challenges which have made me miss mum much more.
I remember when I was pregnant with my first child saying to mum “if only the baby was born all my worries would be over”
As many of you will understand the first pregnancy is filled with so many doubts, worries and concerns but luckily mum was there to help and support me. she laughed out loudly at my naivety and said “love,
your worries will only have just begun “ I can visualise this moment so well and can almost hear her voice as I write this now. These words are becoming more true as my children are growing older and I miss her wisdom and guidance so much. Just this week I was having a conversation with a friend ( who’s son is 22) and she was saying that even now she depends on her mum to constantly help, support and reassure her. I was jealous… I was also frightened…how will I manage to raise my children without mums help and support ?

Yes, I’m lucky enough to have a fantastic family and phenomenal friends but let’s face facts … no one loves my kids like I do and no one loved me like mum did… and the gaping hole in my life that mum has left behind just cannot be filled…

However on the subject of facing facts.. Mum is gone and she’s not coming back .. and I have to deal with that..
Being a mum without a mum is a long and winding road… and in the words of The Hollies it’s also a “road from which there is no return”

So like so many of you reading this now I’ll just have to get on with it..

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