story on slate

What’s your Story?

We all have one!!!

Some of us have many stories to tell. I’m so privileged to have heard ( and been part of) the ongoing stories not only from followers of this page but many other friends, colleagues and acquaintances…

Grief is certainly the loneliest and most isolating place, it’s difficult to put in to words the emotional turmoil I felt ( and still feel) when Mum died. There were extremely dark days when I honestly felt so sad and lonely that I didn’t know what to do!!! I was completely and utterly overwhelmed by such sadness that it was physically painful to even exist.

I remember thinking to myself that I’d just get used to living a ‘sad’ life and I’d probably just get used to it !!!

It’s been 6 years since Mum died and almost 2 years since I wrote my very first blog post right here. I’ll never forget the dream I had about starting the blog, the exact details are sketchy but basically I dreamt about writing a blog called

The first thing i did the next morning was check that the name  hadn’t already been taken… it wasn’t!! I purchased it immediately!!! Before I’d even written a word!!! DESTINY!!!

Our stories are ongoing and constantly evolving. I’ve not regretted writing a single word and am honoured that so many of you have felt able to share their own individual stories with me. Our lives and stories are all different and yet there are similarities too. How I have grieved for my Mum will be different from how you will have grieved but our understanding of each other experiences is the same.

Thank you all for being part of my story ( my story so far.. there’s much more to come)

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